
Middle Class

Here is a pretty sobering look at the Middle Class from the OECD. They have a report out recently that details the middle classes from many countries around the world and how they are doing in relation to expenses and living standards and housing and such. They have a 178 page booklet you can read online for free. Or at least scan the major takeaways here. Read More

Smelling Salts

It's fun to experience new things now and then. I was reading about smelling salts and how they had become popular at gyms to kind of spike your energy before/during a workout. I was curious and searched around, and sure enough, there are all kinds of products for sale. I bought some ampules on Amazon. Fairly cheap. Maybe in in 5th or 6th grade, a friend had brought some smelling salts to school and we had taken turns sniffing at... Read More

New Spell Talker rough cover

I didn't explain myself well to my artist and he lightened up the colors of everything. I wanted to go for a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiaroscuro technique. What do you think between the two covers. Forget there is more detail or less. I'm talking about the high contrast or just having it darkish? Read More

The Stupidity of Heroism

I just had my own Tiananmen Square moment and it almost ended the same way. I took a break from proofing my audiobook to take the dog for a bike ride. Beautiful day out. Leisurely ride, but very crowded out. I was stopped a number of times so people could play with or see my dog. We went to Hermosa Pier and sat on the bench while I read the news, people pet my dog, and I relaxed. This is... Read More

Hard Luck Hank 7 Audiobook

Liam Owen and SciFi-Publishing have given me the audiobook to review. Estimated at about 15.4 hours. Far longer than all the others. I'll get to work proofing it. They do a great job, of course, but there's usually a few things that need correcting. Out of 15 hours, that's a pretty good average. Read More