
Safe and dull

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

There’s a lot of value and staying connected with young people. I live in a beach town where I am the ugliest guy who is also the most out of shape. And the young people can annoy the hell out of me, but I also stay at least somewhat current My mom had said as much because her retirement community has a college nearby. It is very easy to just isolate yourself in a bubble. You don’t have to partake... Read More

End of Radio

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I arguably live in one of the most musical regions in the country: Los Angeles. Lots of bands here. Lots of recording industry here. And if you're reading this, you likely grew up with some kind of radio. Some kind of music as part of your life transmitted to you for free across the air. I used to drive more and I'd listen to the radio a lot. But I realized that every time I drive now, I don't hear... Read More


Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I thought this was an odd picture. There’s very few crows at the beach. We’re 100 feet from the sand of the Pacific Ocean. In other news, my city hires falconers to bring birds here and keep the pigeon population under control. Not a whole lot of pigeons out here. I’d steer clear as a pigeon if there was falcon around. Falcons pretty damn rare to beach. But I stayed a respectable distance from him, but the falcon screeched at... Read More

Creative Lunatics

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I’ll probably never get around to writing a memoir. One thing i dwell on is creativity. Creativity is not synonymous intelligence. It's possible to be super smart and not creative and super creative and not all that bright. I’ve met zillions of creative types. If everyone drew in abstract style from children to adult hood, a cubist painting wouldn’t be creative it would be standard. And the first weirdo who came along and painted something hyper realistic would be seen... Read More