

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I had to make a "cover" for the video I'm working on. No problem, I have tons of awesome covers and images I can use. I got deep in the process when I realized: holy crap, they want tv format. Books covers are tall. Audiobook covers are square. Tv/movies, as displayed on devices, are wide. 6:9 or 4:3. None of my images work wide. It would be just Hank and no room for titles. However, as I was plinking away... Read More


Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I'm working on the intro. What I had originally wanted to do is too hard and time-consuming. So I'm throwing a lot of work at the intro as a selling point. Intros are hard. They usually hire an entirely separate company to do them. Think of the opening credits of Game of Thrones or James Bond or The Simpsons or whatever. They have graphics or styles that have nothing to do with the rest of the show. Kind of abstract.... Read More


Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

Here is a preview of something I'm working on. It's for the intro of HLH. It's Delovoa in his lab. I still have some atmospherics to add. But if you all question wtf I'm spending so much time on 3D, it's because I can do fun stuff like this. I can write anything, but actually seeing it, is a whole other world. delovoa Read More

Statistics in Ballistics

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

This is a work I edited by my father who passed away in 2019. He was a useful guide for all the firearms and general physics/mechanical/electronic issues that came up in the HLH universe. I tried "shopping" this around. I.e., offering it for free. But my contacts in the world of fire control officers is less than zero, as I don't have a clue where they hang out or their favorite beers. And Covid has shuttered a lot of institutions.... Read More