Help. So I’m getting a 3D model for one of my female characters. The artist made her outfit like…teen porn. Kind of anime kiddie sexy. I’ll go to jail if I try and animate it and publish it anywhere.
The character’s name is Garm and she’s a kickass ninja, crook, city administrator, and military liason. She’s also a mother/grandmother. You all know this, but I posted this several times. So I need some sexy, 30-40 year old sensibility, outfits that could conceivably exist in a military. Or at least they wouldn’t care much.
Think like a business suit, but curvy, and able to do a cartwheel without dying. There’s a huge difference between having a model on a book cover and having it move around animated. If it’s animated, it’s right there in 3D. The borderline cheesecake or pulp covers are very different than a talking character.
So it can’t be like corsets and bondage. Because she’s going to be in it every single second we see her and people have to take her seriously and she has to be comfortable and be able to fight.
Post some links to images plz.