
Dog vids

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I mentioned my neighbor across the street was some...producer/something for Martin Scorsese. He bought up a plot of land, smashed the building, and put in fake grass so no one would buy the house and block his view of the ocean. Shortly after he did that, he moved... So now there's a plot of fake grass worth a few million bucks across the street. Kids and dogs play there. Took out Sasquatch. I don't get to see him off leash... Read More


Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I'm a lousy sleeper. I've always been a lousy sleeper. I woke up a few nights ago in the middle of the night and grabbed my phone and looked up sleeping. And I saw Mayo Clinic talking about having a pillow between your knees to keep your back straight. I shrugged. Put a pillow between my knees. And I was like, "holy shit, this is comfortable." And I didn't move for like 2 hours. I'm a tall guy and I... Read More

Pleasant Racism

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I'm not woke by any stretch. Not because I hate [whatever], I just don't particularly like the methods behind it. The fact that Mark Twain, that most awesome of writers, has been attacked for at least a century by well-meaning whites on behalf of others, shows how wrong etiquette can go. I was reading Live and Let Die by Ian Flemming. I got a bunch of Bond books on discount. James Bond was a lot darker and more realistic in... Read More

Day and Night

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I'm testing effects profiles. Below are sample clips from the same Belvaille scene in the Day and Night. What do you all think? There's actually not a lot of difference between them. I change the sky. I kick up the already crazy shadows (Ambient Occlussion) at night. I make more Bloom at night (the halo and scatter around lights). I'll have to make separate profiles for indoors and outdoors not in a city... But what do you all think of... Read More