
Update and Stuff

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I'm about 75% done with Garm. Hang in there. Today I was out with the dog. 70 degrees on January 9th. Lots of people around. I was standing with my dog when someone came down the steps (by the beach) with their bike. There was a bang and they weren't sure what broke. They kept saying it was the chain and I saw the problem. So I went over and helped. The back wheel had come off the mountain bike... Read More

Year in Review

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

2020 sucked ass. And not just any ass. Find the stinkiest butt in the world. A butt that lived on nothing but Del Taco bargain burritos and convenience store milk 5 days past its expiration. That was the butt that 2020 was involved with. I took a gamble and did some animation. https://amazon.com/gp/product/B08LNJCMWP Below is something I've already conveyed to my Patreon peeps. https://www.patreon.com/stevencampbell 2020, being what it was, I was happy for my Patreon. It's basically my grocery money.... Read More


Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up I'm about 50% done the book. I want to get your opinions on something. I have all these amazing 3D assets and I want to use them. I'm already using them for the cover. When I was growing up, fantasy/scifi books had illustrations. Whether maps or little sketches at each chapter. And you can go back to like Charles Dickens where they had huge woodcut plate images, which I always liked.... Read More

Expensive Homes

Posted by Admin | Uncategorized |

I now officially live in my current city longer than I have lived in any city. And it's interesting to watch a community change over time. It's stuff I enjoy writing about and examining. It's a complex mix of factors that influence a society. The first city I lived in for ages, was middle class suburbia. It seemed to add infinite and infinitely-complex traffic signals. Every time I'd go back I'd be driving through intersections that didn't used to exist... Read More